AVTOX- 200 poultry Litrature


Liquid Toxinbinder Cum Degistive

AVTOX-200 is a Liquid Toxin Binder for use in drinking water of animals and birds. AVTOX-200 helps in the elimination of mycotoxins before systemic absorption. AVTOX-200 strengthens the functions of liver with its Hepatic Health Potentiators.

Impact Of Mycotoxins In Poultry Production

Mycotoxins are considered to be "the hidden cause for the loss" in poultry production. Mycotoxins affect health and productivity of birds through their interference in feed intake, digestion, absorption of nutrients, immunity and fertility.

Vaccination failure has been associated with high level of mycotoxins in poultry ration. Since the prevalence of mycotoxins is ubiquitous, control measures to reduce contamination and steps to eliminate before systemic adsorption is necessary.